Our Unique Suite of Services
Evidence-Based. Research-Backed. Proven Results.
Leadership Training & Development
We offer an array of interactive leadership training and development workshops and seminars that give participants an introduction to fundamental leadership skills and behaviors. These long and short form programs spur individual and collective development to expand the learning aperture in forums of collaborative cross-functional engagement.
As leaders become more grounded in their practice and rooted in embodied heart-centered ways of being, we invite more advanced learners to explore further stages of development and continued evolution.
Coaching & Personal Assessments
Our various coaching programs and platforms support and resource whole, healthy and resourceful people. We provide flexible packages with a series of purposeful conversations that offer the insight and inspiration needed to maximize personal and professional potential.
Various assessments are designed to reinforce the process and accelerate leadership effectiveness. Our certifications include TetraMap; The Leadership Challenge LPI 360; Leadership Circle Profile; EQ-i2.0 & EQ 360; Human Synergistics: LSI 360, LWS 360, OCI, OEI, & GSI Assessments; Stages International and more.
Organizational Development
Intuitively, we know that people are crucial constituents of organizations — not just interchangeable mechanical cogs and widgets of an industrialized process— but actual living breathing beings with wants and needs, hopes and dreams. Like the cells of a body, teams are made up of bio-psycho-socio-cultural-spirtual holons that belong to an emergent higher order collective intelligence. And like a bacterial culture in a petri dish, or the gut microbiome, the environmental conditions for growth REALLY matter.
Our diagnostic tools offer critical data to support strategic prescriptions for organizational health and cultural wellness.
Starting with a Strengths-Based Approach
PQ Improves Wellbeing and Happiness, Raises Self-Confidence and Builds a Higher Capacity for Stress Management
PQ Boosts Performance, Grows Mental and Emotional Energy, Develops Others, Increases Teamwork as well as Collaboration
PQ Strengthens Relationships, Increases Conflict Management Capacilities, and Improves Empathy
Building Mental Fitness Through Daily Practice
PQ is back by transdiciplinary research using factor analysis to pinpoint the 5 Sage Powers for high performance and grounded wellbeing. CSO Insights, Fifth Annual Sales Enablement Study, 2019. CSO Insights 5th Annual Sales Enablement Study ©️ 2023 Positive Intelligence, LLC
Overview of Offerings
Our various coaching programs support whole, healthy and resourceful people in their personal and professional development. A series of purposeful conversations in a ‘Client-Coach’ partnership can offer the insight and inspiration clients need to maximize their personal and professional potential. Assessments are used to reinforce the coaching process and are designed to accelerate leadership effectiveness.
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The Leadership Journey is an extremely flexible leadership development training workshop series custom-tailored to your specific needs. It offer the transformational container for becoming part of a wholistic integrated culture — experiencing leadership, life, and a gradual development of character. It suggests that good and effective leadership requires lifelong study and constant development with an individual goal to seamlessly merge how one lives and how one leads.
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Healthy organizations that operate well create and sustain an environment of shared meaning-making and mutual respect where members experience personal growth and fulfillment while contributing to a common good and receiving an equitable share in the personal, emotional and financial rewards of success.
Conversely, organizations that struggle to function well fashion environments where members feel frustrated, neglected, and are disengaged. Like people, organizations are diverse, multi-dimensional, ever-evolving organisms that require the proper context for flourishing. This is what we offer.
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Our diagnostic tools offer critical data to support strategic prescriptions for organizational health and cultural wellness. We offer a variety of competitively priced personal and organizational development services and are certified in the following assessments and surveys: TetraMap; The Leadership Challenge LPI 360; Leadership Circle Profile; EQ-i2.0 & EQ 360; Human Synergistics: LSI 360, LWS 360, OCI, OEI, & GSI Assessments; Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness, Stages International and more. We also parter with Currium to offer OD enterprise solutions at scale.
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Professional Training & Development
We partner with committed institutions to offer custom workshops, training series, and developmental seminars to enable robust and meaningful organizational change overtime. Reach out and connect with us to explore today!
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